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Use this menu item if you want to define the hierarchy in which objects in frames and frames in pages should be placed. When we talk about 'in the back', it means that a frame is placed directly on the page. 'In the front' describes when a frame is the topmost frame on a document page.

Frames and objects, which are placed in the back, will be output first on screen and in print. The frames and objects in the front may cover those in the back.

Als voorste

This menu item lets the selected object become the topmost object with a single mouse click.

Naar voren

Use this menu item to bring an object one step forward in the hierarchy.

Naar achteren

Use this menu item to send an object one step backward in the hierarchy.


This menu item lets the selected object become the backmost object in the hierarchy. On output (screen, print, PDF, etc.) it will be drawn as the first object.

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Laatst gewijzigd op 12 april 2018

StartMenu ObjectenHef groepering opVormen