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iPhoto Calendars

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You can process iPhoto calendar documents using iCalamus in all versions of iPhoto '08 and later. iCalamus usually ships with the Photographerbook plug-in, which offers a new document service called Photographerbook in the default documents. The photo book print service Photographerbook offers to print iPhoto calendars for a better price than Apple.

Here is how it works:

  1. Launch iPhoto and choose your iPhoto calendar.
  2. Belangrijk: [Ctrl]-click into the gray area beside your book and choose Bewaar kalender als PDF. If you print to PDF instead, you will get unusable PDF files.

  3. Launch iCalamus.
  4. Create a new document using the Photographerbook document service. Choose the iPhoto Calendar format. Choose the same number of months as you set up in your iPhoto calendar.

  5. Now it's your choice either to create an empty new document or to use the PDF Import Assistant. In order to use the assistant, click the large button Assistant for PDF Import From iPhoto and Aperture below the product area. Afterwards you will see the PDF Import Assistant dialog:

    Follow the instructions of the assistant: Drag the PDF file created by iPhoto/Aperture to import, or click to choose a file. The assistant will then create the relevant document, which you can order now if you don't want to edit it.

  6. If you have not used the assistant, you will now see an empty calendar document. Drag the previously exported iPhoto calendar PDF into the empty iCalamus document. The PDF will automatically be distributed into all of the pages and scaled properly.
  7. Done!

You may then proceed to format the calendar document with the iCalamus tools, add elements, or cover some content, or even use the calendar artwork without the images.

When you are ready to order the calendar document, choose the menu item Order Document from the File menu.

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Laatst gewijzigd op 13 juni 2015

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