GłównaContext functionsContext menu for text pipingImage frames context menu
  iCalamus 2 > Reference > Context functions Indeks

Text edit mode context menu

[Ten rozdział nie został jeszcze przetłumaczony.]
If you click somewhere in a text frame which is in text edit mode, while pressing [Control] (or right-click), you will open a very powerful context menu:

The various functions that are offered here are available only under certain circumstances. However, the offered functions are described in their relevant chapters of the Text menu.

Wskazówka: The menu items Add Link and Add Image change their titles to Edit Link and Edit Image depending on the context.

Prawo autorskie © invers Software & DSD.net (Główna)
Ostatnie zmiany 12. kwiecień 2018

GłównaContext functionsContext menu for text pipingImage frames context menu