GłównaFile menuImportujZamów dokument
  iCalamus > Reference > Menus > File menu Indeks


[Ten rozdział nie został jeszcze przetłumaczony.]

You can export frames or pages from iCalamus in several image formats. When you choose this menu item, the following export dialog is shown:

File Name
Please enter a meaningful file name for export. The file extension will be added automatically and changes according to the chosen export format.
You can browse the desired export directory like in each Finder window.
Choose the desired export format in the Format menu. Currently the following formats are available: BMP, GIF, JPEG-2000, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PDF.

If you want to export from a multi-page document, you can define a range of pages here.

Set the checkbox "Separate files for each frame", if you really want to get a separate file for each single frame from within the page range.

Output Parameters
According to the chosen export format, the bottom area of the export dialog offers different output parameters.

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Ostatnie zmiany 13. czerwiec 2015

GłównaFile menuImportujZamów dokument