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  iCalamus 2 > Úvod Rejstřík

Zpětná vazba

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iCalamus offers several ways to give feedback to our developers, distributors and other users.

Contact the support and developers

In the Menu iCalamus, you will find a menu item Zobrazit editor zpráv which allows to send email messages to our company. Use it whenever you want to request a new feature, report a bug or simply tell us something you like in iCalamus.

Contact other users

In the Menu Nápověda, you will find a link to the Diskusní fóra iCalamusu where you can communicate with other iCalamus users. The iCalamus developers write in these forums, too.

Zpráva o pádu programu

iCalamus is developed and tested by us with great care. Nevertheless, chances are that you will at some time experience a crash. Due to different user environments it is almost impossible for us to test all situations.

When iCalamus crashes, OS X alerts this crash and asks you to send a crash report to Apple. Don't do that. The Apple staff will not read it or react on it.

But when you relaunch iCalamus, it will inform you that it has recognized this crash itself.

If you agree to send the crash report, a window similar to the following screen shot will be shown:

Please add a description of what you were doing when the crash happened.

The Crash Report window offers to send your email address, too, if you want to allow the developers to contact you. Add your email address if you allow us to contact you.

All Crash Reports sent from this window will be received by the iCalamus developers.

Send Documents

If an issue is related to a document, you may want to send us this document. Please note that iCalamus documents are packages which look like single files in the Finder but are physically folders. So you'll have to compress your document into a ZIP archive before you send it. Simply right-click on the .icdk and chose Compress <documentname.icdk>. Then you can send the ZIP archive to or upload it to a file sharing server and send us the URL of the ZIP file.

Send Log Information

You may also provide system log information for an encountered issue.

  1. To do so, run /Aplikace/Utility/
  2. Clear the display with a click on the Toolbar symbol Clear Display.
  3. Enter iCalamus into the Search field.
  4. Launch iCalamus and force the issue.
  5. Save the log information with File > Save a Copy As or using the [Sdílet] button near the Search field.
  6. Send the .log file to and describe the issue.
iCalamus Radar

Pokud jste v iCalamusu odhalili nějakou chybu, nebo byste jej chtěli rozšířit o nějakou funkci, měli byste se přihlásit do našeho systému iCalamus Radar. Zde můžete zcela cíleně hlásit chyby nebo přání k určité funkční oblasti.

Follow the iCalamus Support link from the Help menu to find the iCalamus Radar.

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Poslední aktualizace 12. dubna 2018

DomůÚvodManual conventionsRychlý kurz