iCalamus FAQ

Otázky a odpovědi: Zde najdete seznam vašich otázek a našich odpovědí na ně.

iCalamus není Calamus SL. Je to inverzní Calamus. To i neznačí jenom nativní cool aplikaci macOS, ale znamená také invers.

Princip Calamusu SL je (byl) dělat si všechno sám a nenechávat pokud možno nic na operačním systému (TOS).

Princip iCalamusu je využít operační systém (macOS) kdykliv to je jen trochu možné a nedělat si všechno sám.

Proto iCalamus profituje z každého dalšího pokroku ve vývoji macOS. Až bude uvolněn a new version of macOS, iCalamus bude podporovat nové obrazové filtry a ostatní funkce téměř automaticky. iCalamus stavíme kompletně na knihovně Cocoa Mac OSu X a píšeme ho kompletně znovu a nativně v Objective C s využitím programátorských prostředků od Apple (jako Xcode, Interface Builder, atd.).

No, of course not. We differenciate between upgrades and updates. An upgrade always increases the major version number before the dot, e.g. from v1.29 to v2.0, while an update only increases the minor version number behind the dot, e.g. from v2.01 to v2.02. Updates for your paid license are always free of charge, while we ask for a moderate upgrade fee when you want to upgrade from a lower major version to the next upgrade version.

The short answer: like all other Mac applications.

The detailed answer:

If you want to keep your previous iCalamus version, open your Applications folder in the Finder, create a new folder named iCalamus and move your existing iCalamus.app into this folder. Now rename it, e.g. into iCalamus 1.14.app or accordingly.

Download the current version from our website by following this page in your browser.

You can choose between a one language version (e.g. English only) or the quite fat complete bundle with all available localizations. (Since iCalamus 2, there is only one bundle with all available languages.)

After the download has finished, your browser will automatically unzip the Zip archive (which is true at least for Safari and Firefox) and puts the new iCalamus.app into your Downloads folder.

Move it to your Applications folder or into the iCalamus sub folder within your Applications folder.

That's all.

Plánujeme pro iCalamus vytvořit konvertor dokumentů Calamusu SL, ale ne ve verzi 1.0.
Konvertor dokumentů iCalamusu pro Calamus SL se neplánuje.
No. (Honestly: What do you expect for 129 EUR?) – You can save documents from these programs as PDF or in the usual exchange formats for text, images and vector graphics and import or place them in iCalamus.
Vyvíjíme iCalamus pro macOS na základě knihovny Cocoa od Apple. Dokud nebude tato knihovna pro ostatní platformy, nebude pro ně ani iCalamus. (My nebudeme Cocoa portovat!)

Yes, since iCalamus 2.0.

Chceme poskytnout otevřený vývojářský koncept, kde může každý být schopen vyvíjet pro iCalamus vlastní moduly. Bude na vás, jestli je poskytnete komunitě uživatelů iCalamusu zdarma, budete je prodávat sám, nebo je nám svěříte do distribuce.

We offer the Photographerbook functions in iCalamus for free. Our partner for the photo book print service is the company Photographerbook. They intend that people only use the multiplex Photographerbook document options with their (really very excellent) service, of course. Therefore you get the watermark Preview in direct printouts and PDF export. It's just a (really tiny) hurdle which avoids that you use the free offered Photographerbook techniques and options to create a photo book but have it printed somewhere else.

When you send the prepared data to Photographerbook, they remove the word Preview, of course. So don't be afraid to have it in the finished photo book printout. If you want to create photo books or calendars completely on your own and don't want to use the Photographerbook service, you will have to get a full version of iCalamus (which is not the worst investment of money, isn't it?).

Důležité: Since the end of January 2016, PhotographerBook no longer accepts documents from iCalamus. Of course you can still edit these documents for your own use.

(Najdete-li nějaké překlepy, nebo chybné překlady, dejte nám prosím vědět – děkujeme!)

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