Co nowego?

iCalamus 2.16 (Rev. 18602) jest dostępny do pobrania.

Wymagania systemowe: OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) lub wyżej.

Lista zmian:

  • Poprawka: Text flow sometimes didn't work. This issue has been fixed for new documents. To fix this issue in existing documents, please delete the relevant frames which contain text and the frames to be flown around. Then restore the relevant frames using Edit > Undo. This fixes the content flow registry in these frames.
Menu Obiekty
  • Nowość: Offers a new submenu named Dopasownie. It offers the same functions which are available already in the context menu for image frames and in the Paleta Geometria's action menu. But the submenu in the menu bar also allows to assign Skróty klawiaturowe menu to these functions.
Inne błędy
  • The built-in CrashReporter has been updated.
  • Inne błędy zostały poprawione.

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