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invers Software: Privacy explanation

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invers Software:
Privacy explanation for www.icalamus.net

This explanation describes what information we collect at www.icalamus.net, and how we use that collected data. The purpose of this explanation is to inform you of what personally identifiable information we collect from you (customer information), how we use it, with whom the data could be shared, the choices you have concerning the collecting, usage and distributing of customer information data, the security mechanisms we employ to control data loss, misuse, or modification in our company, and how you can correct errors in the data.

invers Software does not lend, sell or lease customer information which we collected in our website, to third parties. We deal in software, not customer data. We provide only order-relevant customer data to our distributors if required.

In order to preserve your confidence in our enterprise, we collect only the minimum data in the website, and this is done as transparently as possible.


In our website, we use the Cookie technology to place data on your computer which will facilitate your surfing in our web pages. The data are stored only on your computer, not on our server. In all modern browsers, you have the option to permit cookies to be stored, restricted, or not accepted at all. Besides, good browsers are capable of handling the contents of cookies correctly.

We presently use cookies for the following:

Form Data

In various pages of our website you will find forms which need to be filled in to complete a certain action, e.g. a product purchase, a bug report, or also a forum discussion comment. We are careful not to ask for any unnecessary data, and usually give you the option of not having to enter the less relevant data (e.g. your phone number).

Purchase order forms need some mandatory data without which the form cannot be sent successfully. These data fields are marked accordingly, and you will be informed by an error message page when some of the data are still missing.

The data fields in the form are evaluated to extract all relevant data from purchase order forms and other message forms, and, if necessary, directly pass them on to our foreign distributors. You will usually receive an online confirmation about the data that you just sent to us, followed by an email confirmation.

In discussion forums, it is up to you to mention your real name and a real email address. Our discussion forums are not moderated. So it is even open to you to make yourself unpopular in discussion forums. You are grown-up and must to know that you publish your opinion in discussion forums in public.


invers Software maintains several newsletter mailing lists which send the latest news about our products via email (text only, no HTML). With a newsletter subscription you are always kept up to date about the current developments in your software bought from us. You are free to subscribe to one or more of these mailing lists by mentioning your email address. This subscription is free of charge (except for your email fetching costs with your provider). Likewise, you can unsubscribe from a newsletter subscription at any time, without telling us why, just by entering the same email address in the relevant unsubscribe form.

In many order form pages, we provide a check box as a service for you, which helps you to subscribe easily. If you have already subscribed to a newsletter, nothing else will happen when you keep this checkbox checked. If you don't want to receive a newsletter, simply uncheck the relevant checkbox before you send the form data.


In our contact you can find all the relevant data about our company, our support services, dealers and distributors.

Automatically Collected Information

From each guest on our website, we collect the date and time of the visit, the IP address, and the browser type, in order to be able to analyse how our guests use our pages, which browsers they prefer, and from which countries they visit us. The information is totally unpersonal, and will not be synchronized with the data mentioned above.

From each registered user who logs into the My iCalamus pages, we collect the date and time of the visit, and the used access data. This data logging is only in case you inform us about a suspicion that someone else has tried to get access to your personal service area in My iCalamus. If you yourself failed logging into My iCalamus, the wrong access data helps us to help you to log in successfully when you try it next time. Otherwise the data are not used, and will be deleted after the legally allowed period of time.

Privacy and Children

invers Software and the websites of invers Software do not aim at children (persons younger than 13 years) as a target group. We do not collect information about the age of our website guests. We respect the US American Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA). If we discover that we have collected personal information about a child unintentionally, we will remove the data immediately from our records and logs.


In order to protect us and you against loss, misuse, and change of the information which we maintain, we meet the appropriate physical, electronic and organizational standards.

invers Software respects the privacy of your personal data which you gave to us. Unintentional publication of these data is extremely improbable. If, nevertheless, personal data should be published unintentionally, invers Software will undertake all economically meaningful steps to stop or cancel the publication. However we reject all liability for unintended publishing. Additionally we point out that, in the extremely improbable case that any government or private person asks for certain personal data from us, we will not voluntarily divulge data unless appropriate legal instructions force us to do so.


If you have any questions about this privacy explanation, the methods and practices of this website, or how we use this website, don't hesitate to contact us via the contact page.

(Si cette page comporte des anomalies, n'hésitez pas à nous le – Merci !)

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