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iCalamus 2

Met iCalamus kunt u heel gemakkelijk spelenderwijs allerlei soorten documenten maken. Dankzij de intuïtieve gebruikersinterface is het maken van zelfs complexere documenten erg comfortabel. U bereikt snel uw doel en kunt uw documenten op elke aan de Mac aangesloten printer afdrukken of bv. als PDF opslaan.

Working with precise measurement units is a breeze. Out of the box, iCalamus offers flexible masking options with many predefined, dynamically changeable frame shapes. Users may build virtual copies for multiple document elements and change them afterwards with just a few mouse clicks (eg. in business cards).

iCalamus can import all image and text formats which are supported by OS X. Easily grab text content from large PDF documents for further text processing. Images from digital cameras, scanners or iPhoto libraries can be imported, as well as complete web pages. Print output supports all printers, and iCalamus can optionally output documents in various PDF formats (e.g. PDF-X, encrypted PDF, PDF Fax).

(Als u fouten in de Nederlandse vertalingen en teksten vindt, wilt u ons dan – Hartelijk bedankt!)

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