What's new?

iCalamus v 2.01

Change log:

  • New: Color Inspector: Supports display and editing of default colors (if no document is loaded).
  • New: Numbering Inspector: Supports display and editing of numbering styles (if no document is loaded).
  • New: Text Ruler Inspector: Supports display and editing of default text rulers (if no document is loaded).
  • New: Text Style Inspector: Supports display and editing of default text styles (if no document is loaded).
  • New: Frame Inspector: Supports default frame styles (will be available in the GUI in a coming version).
  • New: Fixed an issue where elements on master pages were not always printed.
  • New: Mouse pointers optimized for Retina displays.
  • Fix: Crash Reports are being sent to the iCalamus developers again (Sandbox-compatible).
Other Bugfixes
  • Fix: [695]: Page orientation icons in all Page format dialogs correspond to their defined page orientation and page size.
  • Fix: [731]: Fixed an issue with opening recently converted documents.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue with printing text on right document pages.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue with exporting selected frames.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue with decorating paths.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue with moving frames.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue with display of the reference point for frame transformations.
  • Fix: Frames from the clipboard can be used in the line decoration editor.
  • Fix: Images can be moved in frames again.
  • Fix: Frame contents can be copied into other frames again.
  • Other bugs fixed.

(If you find any Denglish or other strange translations in this page, do not hesitate to – Thank you!)

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